Thursday, December 4, 2008


The divisions in play categories : functional, constructive, dramatic, and game with rules. The following lists show the play types and their definitions.

Cognitive play
  • Functional play : repetitive muscle movements with or without objects. Examples include : (a) running and jumping, (b) gathering and dumping, (c) manipulating objects or materials, and (d) informational games (parading).
  • Constructive play : (block, Legos, Tinkertoys) or materials (sand, Play-doh, paint) to make something.
  • Dramatic play : role-playing and/or make-believe transformation. Examples include : (a) role-playing : pretending to be a parent, baby, shark, superhero, or monster; and (b) make-believe transformations : pretending to drive a car (arm movements) or give an injection with a pencil (object use). Use of miniature version of real objects (toy cars, toy iron) is not scored as dramatic play unless there is evidence of role taking and/or make-believe transformation.
  • Game with rules : recognition and acceptance of and conformity with pre-established rules. Examples include tag, "Mother My I", marbles, checkers, and kickball.

Social Play

  • Solitary play : playing alone with materials different from those children within speaking distance; no conversation with others.
  • Parallel play : playing with toys or engaging in activities similar to those of other children who are in close proximity; however, there is no attempt to play with the other children.
  • Group playing ; playing with other children; roles may or may not be assigned.

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